Showing posts with label CS2401 - Computer Graphics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CS2401 - Computer Graphics. Show all posts

Saturday, 17 September 2011

CS2401 - Question bank


Define Computer Graphics.
Explain any 3 uses of computer graphics applications.
What are the advantages of DDA algorithm?
What are the disadvantages of DDA algorithm?
Define Scan-line Polygon fill algorithm.
What are Inside-Outside tests?
Define Boundary-Fill algorithm.
Define Flood-Fill algorithm.
Define attribute parameter. Give examples.
What is a line width? What is the command used to draw the thickness of lines.
What are the three types of thick lines? Define.
What are the attribute commands for a line color?
What is color table? List the color codes.
What is a marker symbol and where it is used?
Discuss about inquiry functions.
Define translation and translation vector.
Define window and view port.
Define viewing transformation.
Give the equation for window to viewport transformation.
Define view up vector.
What is meant by clipping? Where it happens?
What is point clipping and what are its inequalities?
What is line clipping and what are their parametric representations?
How is translation applied?
What is referred to as rotation?
Write down the rotation equation and rotation matrix. 4. What is called scaling transformation?
 Write the matrix representation for scaling, translation and rotation.
 Draw the block diagram for 2D viewing transformation pipeline.
Mention the equation for homogeneous transformation.
What is known as composition of matrix? 9
Write the composition transformation matrix for scaling, translation and
Discuss about the general pivot point rotation?
Discuss about the general fixed point scaling.
  Explain window, view port and window - to - view port transformation
Mention the three raster functions available in graphics packages.
What is known as region codes?
Why Cohen Sutherland line clipping is popular?
Mention the point clipping condition for the liang-barsky line clipping.
What is called as an exterior clipping?
How is the region code bit values determined?
 Why liang-barsky line clipping is more efficient than Cohen Sutherland line
Differentiate uniform and differential scaling.

Consider a line from (0,0) to (6,7).Using simple DDA algorithm,rasterize this line.
Consider a line from (0,0) to (6,6).Using simple DDA algorithm,rasterize this line.
Consider a line from (0,0) to (6,7).Using simple DDA algorithm,rasterize this line.
Applying Bresenham’s algorithm to draw a line from (4,4) and end point is (-3,0).
Plot a circle at origin having centre as (0,0) and radius=8 using Bresenham’s circle algorithm.
Plot a circle using mid point algorithm whose radius=3 and center is at (0,0).
The input ellipse parameters are rx=8 and ry=6.Using midpoint ellipse method,rasterize this ellipse.
Explain in detail about line attributes with neat diagram.
Explain soft fill procedures.
Explain the three primary color used in graphics and explain how other colors are achieved?
Explain in detail about color and grey scale levels?
Explain color and grey scale levels.
Explain the area fill attributes and character attributes.
Explain character attributes in detail.
Briefly discuss about basic transformations.
Explain matrix representations.
Discuss about composite transformations.
Explain about reflection and shear.
Explain the following transformation with the matrix representations.Give suitable diagram for illustration,i translation.ii scaling.iii rotation.
How the rotation of an object about the pivot point is performed?
How window-to-viewport coordinate transformation happens.
Explain clipping with its operation in detail.
Explain cohen- sutherland line clipping.
Discuss the logical classifications of input devices.
Explain the details of 2d viewing transformation pipeline.
Explain point, line, curve, text, exterior clipping?

What is a parallel projection?
Differentiate parallel and perspective projection.
What are quadric surfaces?
Define superquadrics.
What are blobby objects?
Define the term spline curve.
Write about depth cueing.
What is viewing operation?
What is meant by projection?
What is meant by view reference coordinate systems?
What is projected reference point?
What is center of projection? What is the other name of it?
Where do we use front plane and back plane?
What is the necessary of using near plane and far plane?
15. What is called axonometric and isometric projections?
16. Draw the three dimensional transformation pipeline.
17. Explain vanishing point and principal vanishing point.
18. Mention the classifications of visible surface detection algorithm
19. Explain about octree method.
20. Compare cavaliar and cabinet projections.


Discuss the three-dimensional composite transformation.
Differentiate parallel and perspective projection.
What are the functions available for 3-d transformation functions?
Explain the 3-d transformation for translation, rotation, scaling?
Write the matrix representation for 3-d transformation?
Explain the pipeline for transforming a view of a world-coordinate scene to device coordinates.
Describe the different types of rotation position in 3-d?
Compare the parallel and perspective projections?
What is a 3-d projection? Explain with a neat diagram.


Discuss the properties of light.
Define chromaticity, complementary colors, color gamut and primary colors.
What is color model?
Define hue, saturation and value.
Explain XYZ color model.
Explain RGB color model.
Explain YIQ color model.
Explain CMY color model.
Explain HSV color model.
Give the procedure to convert HSV & RGB color model.
What is the use of chromaticity diagram?
What is illumination model?
What are the basic illumination models?
What is called as lightness?
Explain the conversion of CMY to RGB representation.
What is animation?
Define Morphing.
What are the steps involved in designing an animation sequence?
How to draw dots using OPENGL?
How to draw lines using OPENGL?
How to draw convex polygons using OPENGL?
What is the command used in OPENGL to clear the screen?
What are the various OPENGL datatypes?


Explain about HSV Color Model.
Write short notes about a) YIQ Color Model. b)CMY Color Model.
Explain about HLS Color Model.
Explain RGB color model and CMY color model.
Devise an algorithm for conversion between HSV and RGB models.
Define animation sequences. What are the various steps involved in animation sequence?
Describe Morphing with an example.
What are Keyframe systems? Explain.
Describe the various ways in which the motions of objects can be specified in an animation system.
Explain the various primitives and attributes in OPENGL.
How to draw a 3-D object using OPENGL? Explain it with an example.



What is a shading model?
What is diffuse reflectivity?
Define Phong model.
What is flat shading?
What is Gouraud shading?
What is Fast Phong shading?
What is meant by Texture Mapping?
What are the rendering techniques for shaded images?


Describe about flat and smooth shading.
Write briefly about adding texture to faces and shadows of objects.
Write in detail about the rendering techniques for shadow images.


What is a fractal?
What are the characteristics of a fractal object?
How to classify the fractals?
What are self squaring fractals?
What are self-Inverse fractals?
Define Julia set.
What are Mandelbrot sets?
What is Ray tracing?
What is texture mapping?

How to create image by iterated functions?
Describe in detail about Ray tracing methods.
Write in detail about Transparency.
Explain the various Boolean operations on objects.